A stock image of crumpled up pieces of multicolored paper in a horizontal line with a lit up lightbulb between two of the pieces of paper
Featured News Item

Brattle Domestic Industry Analyses Upheld in ITC Patent Infringement Matter

Brattle Principal Dr. Pallavi Seth testified on behalf of Vicor before the US International Trade Commission (ITC), which issued an Initial Determination in the fall of 2024, finding that the importation and sale of several technologies infringed certain Vicor patents and violated Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930.

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A stock photo of a coal fired power plant on a body of water at night
Interactive Feature

Managing Coal Plant Retirements for an Orderly Transition to Decarbonization

Coal plants are increasingly under economic pressure due to slow load growth, low natural gas prices, and declining wind and solar costs, among other factors. As a result, about 30% of US coal capacity has retired since 2010, with an additional 55 GW slated to retire by 2030.


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Intellectual curiosity, a passion for principles, a strong team orientation, and respect for clients and colleagues are part of the Brattle DNA. We’re always seeking bright, collaborative professionals to join our team.


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“Brattle’s quantum reports and their explanation by Brattle’s experts during direct and cross-examination…were sound, solid, and convincing.”

Tribunal, Antin v. Spain