Mr. Hledik specializes in regulatory and planning matters related to the emergence of distributed energy technologies.

He has consulted for clients across 35 states and nine countries, supporting them in matters related to load flexibility, energy storage, distributed generation, electricity rate design, electrification, energy efficiency, and grid modernization.

Mr. Hledik’s work has been cited in regulatory decisions establishing procurement targets for energy storage and demand response, authorizing billions of dollars in grid modernization investments, and approving the introduction of innovative rate designs. He has authored widely cited studies on the economics of virtual power plants, Saudi Arabia’s first demand-side management (DSM) plan, the US Department of Energy’s A National Roadmap for Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s A National Assessment of Demand Response Potential and National Action Plan for Demand Response.

He has published more than 30 articles on electricity matters, presented at industry events in 10 countries, and given lectures on distributed grid economics at Penn, Stanford, and Yale. Mr. Hledik’s research on the grid edge has been cited by Forbes, National Geographic, The New York Times, NPR, and The Washington Post, and he has served on the advisory boards of a clean energy startup and an energy storage trade association.

Mr. Hledik received his MS in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University, where he concentrated in Energy Economics and Policy. He received his BS in Applied Science from the University of Pennsylvania, with minors in Economics and Mathematics. Prior to joining Brattle, Mr. Hledik was a Research Assistant with Stanford University’s Energy Modeling Forum and a Research Analyst at Charles River Associates.


Stanford University
MS in Management Science and Engineering

University of Pennsylvania
BS in Applied Science

Personal Interests

Ryan lives in Lake Oswego, Oregon with his wife and two sons. He’s an avid Portland Trailblazers fan (for better or worse) and enjoys cycling, yoga, running, basketball, tennis, and cross-country skiing.

Real Reliability: The Value of Virtual Power

In the past decade, the US has spent over $120 billion on 100 GW of new generation capacity, with the primary purpose of providing resource adequacy. However, more will be needed, particularly due to decarbonization initiatives that will enable electrification and retire fossil fuel-based generation. In this study, we explore the cost and ability to serve critical resource adequacy needs from an emerging resource: virtual power plants (VPPs).

Learn More


May 2023

Before the Maryland Public Service Commission, direct testimony filed on behalf of Pepco, on the issue of a benefit-cost analysis of Pepco’s transportation electrification programs, Case No. 9702, May 2023.

January 2022

Before the Missouri Public Service Commission, direct testimony filed on behalf of Evergy Missouri (West and Metro), on the issue of a proposed subscription pricing program, Case No. ER-2022-0130, January 2022.

August 2019

Before the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, direct testimony filed on behalf of Solar Partners XI (“Arevia”), Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the third amendment to its 2018 Joint Integrated Resource Plan to update and modify the renewable portion of the Supply-Side Plan and the Transmission Action Plan, Docket No. 19-06039, August 26, 2019.