Jamie Hagerbaumer
Washington, DC
Ms. Hagerbaumer specializes in commercial damages and valuation in complex litigation and arbitration cases.
Ms. Hagerbaumer has estimated damages for a variety of litigation and arbitration matters, including breach of contract, antitrust, intellectual property, and market manipulation. She also has expertise in oil and gas, where she has assessed the economic effects of regulatory changes, determined fair market value, evaluated price risk management practices, and examined infrastructure and transportation. Ms. Hagerbaumer’s clients include Fortune 500 companies, law firms, and state and federal government agencies. Her work spans various industries, including oil and gas, real estate, chemicals, insurance, tourism, derivatives, and securities.
The George Washington University
MBA (ranked 1st in class, Beta Gamma Sigma)
Emory University
BA in Economics/Mathematics (magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa)
Jamie is a Half Ironwomen and an avid runner, road and mountain biker, and swimmer. Her lifelong involvement in athletics drew her to coach youth baseball and manage a local youth swim team. Inspired by a close friend with a special needs child, Jamie has started participating in Ainsley’s Angels events, which ensure that everyone can participate in endurance events.
Jamie is active in her community, serving on several school- and district-wide advocacy and programming advisories. She donates her professional skills to Healing Pines Respite, a non-profit devoted to providing respite programs to women battling cancer.