Akarsh Sheilendranath
San Francisco
Mr. Sheilendranath is an energy economist with a unique blend of expertise in wholesale electricity markets, electric transmission, resource planning, and regulatory corporate finance.
He specializes in economic evaluations in wholesale electricity markets, transmission policy, resource planning, utility investment strategy, large-scale renewables and energy storage valuation, cost-benefit assessments, market rules and tariffs, and the evaluation of cost of capital for regulated entities. He has advised a wide range of clients on these matters, including utilities, independent system operators (ISOs) and regional transmission organizations (RTOs), and utility commissions.
Mr. Sheilendranath has provided pre-filed and oral testimony in complex matters related to large-scale renewables investment, utility resource planning, transmission grid congestion risks, and transmission market rule changes in ISO/RTO markets. He has also provided pre-filed testimony in a number of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) matters as well as in state jurisdictional cost of capital cases.
With a background in business as well as engineering, Mr. Sheilendranath previously led American Electric Power’s energy resource planning strategy group. His prior experience also includes engineering roles at Eversource Energy and ISO New England.
NYU Stern School of Business
Michigan Technological University
MS in Electrical Engineering
Siddaganga Institute of Technology
BS in Instrumentation Engineering