Ryan Hledik Discusses New Approaches to Address the Growing Use of Electricity in Buildings on the USEA Power Sector Podcast
Principal Ryan Hledik was featured on a recent episode of the United States Energy Association’s USEA Power Sector podcast, “New Approaches to Address the Growing Use of Electricity in Buildings & How to Protect Power System Reliability & Affordability.”
Mr. Hledik joined journalist Herman K. Trabish to explore new approaches to address the growing use of electricity in buildings and discuss research in a recent paper by Brattle and LBNL that shows how integrating flexible and efficient distributed energy technologies into power system operations can affordably protect reliability while dramatically decreasing our reliance on fossil fuels.
A Brattle report on the impacts of several building decarbonization scenarios on energy demand, emissions, and the grid through 2050, “U.S. Building Sector Decarbonization Scenarios for 2050,” can be found here. The full podcast episode is available on the United States Energy Association website below.