Brattle Congratulates Dr. Rand Ghayad on New Position as Head of Economics and Global Labor Markets at LinkedIn
Brattle congratulates Dr. Rand Ghayad on his new role as Head of Economics and Global Labor Markets at LinkedIn. He started his new position on April 4, 2022.
In his new role, Dr. Ghayad will work with a global team of economists and applied scientists to help governments around the world make more informed decisions about how best to support labor force development and address the challenges of the current workforce.
Dr. Ghayad commented: “I’m thankful for every moment I spent at Brattle. This firm has given me infinitely more than I’ve given back to it. As I step into my new role, I couldn’t feel more excited about the opportunity to help fulfill LinkedIn’s vision of creating economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.”
We congratulate Dr. Ghayad and wish him all the best in his next role.