Featured Report

A Review of CARB’s Proposed Regulation

Brattle experts prepared a memorandum for the Association of American Railroads (AAR) in response to the “In-Use Locomotive Regulation” passed by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in April 2023.

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A stock image of a building with grey marble columns in Shanghai, China
Interactive Feature

Mass Torts

Combining multi-disciplinary expertise with extensive claims analyses, The Brattle Group provides testimony and consulting services related to liabilities arising from mass tort litigation.


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Intellectual curiosity, a passion for principles, a strong team orientation, and respect for clients and colleagues are part of the Brattle DNA. We’re always seeking bright, collaborative professionals to join our team.


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“Brattle’s quantum reports and their explanation by Brattle’s experts during direct and cross-examination…were sound, solid, and convincing.”

Tribunal, Antin v. Spain